Korekore PCR

Taumaha PCR wa-tūturu |Hangarau ānau rewa |Tika |Pūnaha UNG |Reagent wai me te lyophilized

Korekore PCR

  • HIV Ine

    HIV Ine

    Kei te whakamahia te Kete Rapu Ine HIV (Fluorescence PCR) (i muri nei ka kiia ko te kete) mo te rapunga inenga o te RNA mate mate mate tangata (HIV) RNA i roto i te serum tangata, tauira plasma ranei.

  • Candida Albicans Waikawa Nucleic

    Candida Albicans Waikawa Nucleic

    Ko te kete tenei mo te kimi in vitro o te waikawa nucleic Candida Albicans i roto i te rere tara me nga tauira sputum.


  • Waenga Rawhiti Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Waikawa Nucleic

    Waenga Rawhiti Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Waikawa Nucleic

    Ka whakamahia te kete mo te kitenga tohu o te MERS coronavirus waikawa nucleic i roto i te nasopharyngeal swabs me te Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus.

  • Trichomonas Vaginalis Waikawa Nucleic

    Trichomonas Vaginalis Waikawa Nucleic

    Ka whakamahia tenei kete mo te rapunga tohu o te waikawa nucleic Trichomonas vaginalis i roto i nga tauira whakangao i nga waahanga urogenital tangata.

  • Whakakotahitia nga Tukino Respiratory

    Whakakotahitia nga Tukino Respiratory

    Ka whakamahia tenei kete mo te rapunga tohu o nga tukumate manawa i roto i te waikawa karihi i tangohia mai i nga tauira oropharyngeal swab tangata.Ko nga mate ka kitea ko: rewharewha A (H1N1, H3N2, H5N1, H7N9), rewharewha B (Yamataga,Victoria), parainfluenza virus (PIV1, PIV2, PIV3), metapneumovirus (A, B), adenovirus (1, 2, 3). , 4, 5, 7, 55), rewharewha syncytial (A, B) me te mate karawaka.

  • 14 Nga Momo HPV Nucleic Acid Pato

    14 Nga Momo HPV Nucleic Acid Pato

    Ka taea e te kete i roto i te vitro patopato kounga te kimi i nga momo 14 o te papillomavirus tangata (HPV16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68) waikawa karihi.

  • 19 Nga Momo Respiratory Pathogen Nucleic Acid

    19 Nga Momo Respiratory Pathogen Nucleic Acid

    Ka whakamahia tenei kete mo te whakakotahitanga o te tohu tohu o te SARS-CoV-2, te rewharewha A, te rewharewha B, te adenovirus, te mycoplasma pneumoniae, te chlamydia pneumoniae, te rewharewha syncytial me te parainfluenza huaketo (Ⅰ, II, III, IV) i roto i nga korokoro. me nga tauira sputum, metapneumovirus tangata, haemophilus influenzae, streptococcus pneumoniae, klebsiella pneumoniae, staphylococcus aureus, pseudomonas aeruginosa, legionella pneumophila me acinetobacter baumannii.

  • Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Waikawa Nucleic

    Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Waikawa Nucleic

    Ko te kete tenei mo te kimi in vitro o te waikawa karihi Neisseria Gonorrhoeae(NG) i roto i te mimi tane, te mimi ureta tane, nga tauira kaukau puri wahine.

  • E 4 Nga momo Virus Respiratory Waikawa Nucleic

    E 4 Nga momo Virus Respiratory Waikawa Nucleic

    Ka whakamahia tenei kete mo te rapunga tohu o te SARS-CoV-2, te rewharewha A, te rewharewha B me te rewharewha syncytial waikawa nucleic i roto i nga tauira oropharyngeal swab tangata.

  • Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Rifampicin Atete

    Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Rifampicin Atete

    He pai tenei kete mo te rapunga kounga o te rerekee homozygous i roto i te rohe codon waikawa amino 507-533 o te ira rpoB e mate ai te mate Mycobacterium tuberculosis rifampicin.

  • Cytomegalovirus Tangata (HCMV) Waikawa Nucleic

    Cytomegalovirus Tangata (HCMV) Waikawa Nucleic

    Ka whakamahia tenei kete mo te whakatau kounga o nga waikawa karihi i roto i nga tauira tae atu ki te serum, te plasma ranei mai i nga turoro e whakapaetia ana te mate HCMV, kia pai ai te whakatau i te mate HCMV.

  • Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Waikawa Nucleic and Rifampicin Resistance

    Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Waikawa Nucleic and Rifampicin Resistance

    He pai tenei kete mo te rapunga tohu o te Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA i roto i nga tauira sputum tangata i roto i te vitro, me te irakētanga homozygous i roto i te 507-533 amino acid codon rohe o te rpoB ira e puta ai te mate Mycobacterium tuberculosis rifampicin.

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